General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Effective 25 May 2018
Disclosure and Privacy Statement
Who is collecting the data? is collecting the data. The current webmaster is the custodian of the data.
What data is being collected?
The data has been voluntarily submitted by the owner of the data.
The data elements that are requested (but not necessarily submitted) consists of:-
Full Name: Email Address: Telephone Number: School Attendance Years and House: Comments.
and images are collected from various sources and presented on the
site by subscribers. The majority of the images are historical and are more than 40 years old.
is not pragmatic, or even achievable in most cases, to obtain
retrospective permission to maintain such images. It
would be like obtaining permission from the Mona Lisa subject and
Leonardo da Vinci to display this famous painting.
Cookies are not collected. On the occassion that data is submitted an IP Address may be recorded in the website log.
What is the legal basis for processing the data?
There is no particular legal basis for processing the data.
The data can be amended or withdrawn at any time by the owner by sending an email to the
Will the data be shared with any third parties?
The data will not be shared with any party unless consent is given by the owner of the data.
If you post a Roll Call and/or a Guest Book entry you are agreeing that
your Name, Your House,Verdala Years and Comments will be published on
the website.
Please note the following paragraph relating to email template communication.
How will the information be used?
information will be used to communicate event details such as upcoming
reunions, news etc. A subscriber can opt-out at any time.
email addresses and the data of a subscriber is hidden in a secure
password controlled database and is only accessible by the webmaster.
a person wishes to contact another individual listed on the site that is done via a
cloaked Email template. The sender of the message is not aware of the
recipients email address.
If the sender discloses their email
address within the cloaked message to the recipient, the recipient has
the choice to respond, or not. The sender of the message is
declaring their own data to the recipient and not
signing up and subscribing to the Roll Call and/or Guest Book the
individual consents to their data being held and agrees to being
contacted by or by a third party who fills out a cloaked
template to establish contact.
The webmaster has no filter or control mechanisms in place to establish whether or not a third party is bona-fide.
How long will the data be stored for?
The data will be stored indefinitely or until a request is received from the owner to remove it (information or image).
There will be an annual review of this policy.
What rights does the data subject have?
data owner may at any time inform the webmaster of any changes to their
own data. The data owner, the individual themselves, owns and is
responsible for the correctness of their content.
Unless the
data owner countermands the storage of their personal data in the
database it will be deemed that has conscent to hold
that data.
How can the data subject raise a complaint?
To raise a complaint please send an email to and clearly state your complaint and concerns.
Published: 23 May 2018