Verdala Chit Chat

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David Woolfenden Thu, 21 May 2015 09:11 GMT +0

I thought so,he was very well respected by the boys and a great team coach taking everything very seriously with tactics discussed pre-match......
Liz Wed, 20 May 2015 23:45 GMT +0

Teletubbies and he wrote a much-used rap for children called 'Gran, Can You Rap?' Google him!
Liz Wed, 20 May 2015 23:44 GMT +0

Yes I think he did, David! A great character with a brilliant sense of humour! Later he became Educational Advisor to 'Ragdoll' which produced the
David Woolfenden Wed, 20 May 2015 11:15 GMT +0

Hi Liz, Did Jack Ousbey run the Soccer team during the 50's?
Liz Tue, 19 May 2015 02:49 GMT +0

(Oops - sorry about typos!) Is you dad going on the return visit? Enjoy it! My very good wishes to Jack. Mary (ex Todd) came to last Malta reunion.
Liz Tue, 19 May 2015 02:43 GMT +0

(past Sliema - opposint direction!) Went to visit your dad (unsuccessfully!) in Newark last year but was told by a workman that he'd moved near you!
Liz (ex Miss McMeeking) Tue, 19 May 2015 02:41 GMT +0

Hi Belinda - don't know the bus no. but it'll be the Cospicua one - then walk - I think! DONT get directed to Verdala International School (past Slie
Liz Mardel (Miss McMeeking) Tue, 19 May 2015 02:35 GMT +0

So glad to got the current Verdala welcome, Sam! Enjoy the rest of your visit! Do you remember Belinda's dad (Mr) Jack Ousbey - a great character?!
Belinda Ousbey Mon, 18 May 2015 17:30 GMT +0

Going to Malta 21/5 emailed school to see if I can visit. Dad ( now 86) teacher 56 - 66. Me at school 60-66. Do u know which bus from Valletta?
Sam Cookson Mon, 18 May 2015 15:23 GMT +0

Hi Liz! Only just got your message, I did meet with both Rita and Martin, lovely people and made me and my wife very welcome! Greetings from Malta :)

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